Browsers: Behind the scene

by admin

Posted on 09/12/17 7:55 AM

A type of software that allows to find & view websites on the Internet.’

In earlier times, browsers were text-based but now, browsers are also available in graphical and voice based formats. The main purpose of the browser as web interpreters is to request for information, and as they receive it, they show us on the page in a format that you can see and comprehend.

Below, I’ve provided the list of most common browsers available today:

Internet Explorer – Microsoft

Google Chrome – Google

Opera – Opera Software

Mozilla Firefox – Mozilla

Safari – Apple

Netscape Navigator – Netscape Communication Corporation

Sea Monkey – Mozilla Foundation

Browser – Basic components

Most basic and crucial components every browser should display include the following:

1. Controller or Dispatcher

2. Interpreter

3. Client Programs

Controllers work as a control unit in CPU, i.e. taking input from the keyboard, interpreting it and making other services to work for received input.

Interpreters receive information from the controller and execute instructions line-by-line.

Client program describes specific protocol used to access particular service. Here are the common ones – HTTP, SMTP, FTP, POP.

As an example…

Let’s take Internet Explorer(Or, Mozilla firefox) web browser as our example. By default, it is installed with windows operating system. It can also be downloaded or upgraded.

Various steps to start and implementing it to perform our work –

Got to start button and click on Internet Explorer.

For accessing the webpage on internet explorer, you just need to enter URL in address bar.

For navigating the webpage, it contains hyperlinks, which on click opens another web page.

You can open a new page in same tab or the different tab.

For saving web page, just click File > Save As. A dialog box will appear. Choose the location where you want to save your page, specify file name, select type from save as type list box and click save. Your webpage will be saved.

For saving any web page element such as pictures, links and etc, right click on web element you want to save.

And, there are lot more things you can do with your webpage on any Browser type.

Wrapping Up

No matter which web browser you’re using, the working and basics of browsing will remain the same – URL and address bar, Links or Hyperlinks, Navigation buttons, Tabbed browsing, History and bookmarking, Downloading files, Saving images, Plug-ins (such as Adobe Flash, Adobe reader). So, Hope you’ve got a quick understanding of it.

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