Why Join Us?

  • We offer meaningful compensation as we believe that when the entire team is paid well, organisations do great!
  • We work hard and party harder! We often organise regular company outings, fun activities, game competitions, and of course, festive celebrations.
  • We always believe in transparency and communication in the workplace and for that, we always share our key metrics with the team. Transparency everyone informed and builds trust.
  • We highly value learning and growth. At Mansa Infotech you will get a chance to level up not only in terms of technology but also your overall personality.

Open Job Positions

MEAN Stack Developer
Vacancies : 2
3 February 2022
Job Details
Android Developer
Vacancies : 3
3 February 2022
Job Details

Our Recruitment Process

We have a culture of innovation and continuous improvement & we believe in work-life balance. We're constantly seeking personal and professional growth.

Resume Shortlisting

All the online applications are reviewed, a set of desirable candidates are identified and shortlisted upon close examination.

HR General Discussion

A 20 min phone call with HR manager to go through some general questions about your experience, company, role, interview schedule, joining details and more.

Practical Challenge

A coding challenge/practical-scenario as a demo assignment will be given to you to see if your coding standards are up to our expectations.

Technical Interview

Domain-specific technical interview is scheduled for any shortlisted candidates who performed well on the test.

In-office Visit

Before making any final decision, we call you in-person to know more of your confidence, cognitive ability and interpersonal skills.

Reference Check

We conduct a thorough reference check with your previous employers and managers. HR will reach references provided to us to verify your working experience.

Job Offer

The successful candidate is informed of the selection and provided a formal employment letter.

Onboarding & Training

Our on-boarding includes motivation, a building tour, team introduction and complete know-how of all that we do and how we do.